help > Second-level analysis failed: header file not found.
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Dec 13, 2022  03:12 PM | Elina Stocker
Second-level analysis failed: header file not found.
Dear all, 

I'm currently facing a problem running a second-level analysis with gPPI results using SPM12.
Whenever I try to specify the model I get following error: 
Error using spm vol > spm vol hdr
File ".../con_PPI_Letter-NoLetter_01.hdr" does not exist.
The following modules did not run: 
Failed: Factorieal design specification 

The gPPI results however seem to look fine when inspecting the gPPI SPM.mat. Only the .hdr files are missing in the gPPI directory.
I tried both, running the analysis with spm version 12 and 8. I added the P.SPMver to the parameters and adjusted them accordingly. Also, I set P.equalroi=0, P.FLmask=1 and P.WB=0. I checked both paths and the mask. Still, I couldn't figure out why those .hdr files got missing. 
Would anybody know how to help?

Thanks in advance, 
