open-discussion > optseq2 creating more randomization without hurting efficiency
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Mar 7, 2024  02:03 PM | Batiah Keissar
optseq2 creating more randomization without hurting efficiency

Hello all,

Can someone advise me on how to get more varied/randomized jitter in optseq2?

optseq2 \   --ntp 320 \   --tr 1 \  --tprescan 0 \  --psdwin 0 20 0.5 \  --ev inanimateL1 4 12 \  --ev animateL1 4 12 \  --ev inanimateL2 4 12 \  --ev animateL2 4 12 \  --ev auditoryBaseline 4 24 \ --tnullmin 0 \  --tnullmax 3.5 \ --evc 1 -1 1 -1 0 \  --nkeep 3 \  --o /home/myfolder/IAPS \  --nsearch 1000

 Above are my settings and this is my first time using optseq for an fMRI study. My tr is 1sec and am trying to adjust the code to get a more varied Jitter and a more random schdule. MY efficiency is also very low with these settings.

I originally set the psdwin 0 20 1, and the efficiency was higher but in the schedule you could see that the Null-Events were very regualr and unvaried. We also want the Jitter to take up about 25-30% of the duration of the run. And the ntp's need to balance out with the other durations.

I would love some advice if anyone has experience with this.

Thank you kindly,
